Thank you for your interest in our program! Please note that Agents of Change in Environmental Justice will not be accepting applications for Fall 2024. We encourage you to check back next year for updates on joining our program. 

For more information about our future application cycles, please be sure to check back on our website and follow us on our social media accounts. If you have any questions, please reach out at


The 9-month fellowship requires two in-person retreats (2-3 days each), as well as 40-50 hours of time dedicated to participating in online, peer-based writing workshops and training seminars, writing, tackling edits, and disseminating your work and that of other fellows through various channels. Fellows who complete all the requirements of the program will receive a $1500 honorarium.

Requirements of the program include:

  • Attend two, in person retreats (all expenses paid by the program)
    • The first retreat will take place March 1st-3rd, 2024
  • Attend and actively participate in all online trainings and peer-based writing workshops.
    • Monthly meetings typically occur once a month for 90-120 minutes. The first virtual meeting will take place in April 2024.
  • Write a first-person, narrative style essay that will be published in Environmental Health News
    • Incorporate oral and written feedback from project leaders and from other fellows
  • Be interviewed by Brian Bienkowski for the Agents of Change podcast.
  • Write a policy brief that analyzes a current environmental and/or climate justice issue.
  • While not required, most fellows help to disseminate their work and that of their peers over social media.


Applicants must be:

  • Pursuing scientific work that advances environmental public health, environmental justice, or ecosystem/climate health and justice. Relevant disciplines may include but are not limited to: environmental health, environmental science, epidemiology, ecology, earth sciences, urban planning, geography, community health, social and behavioral health, medicine, social sciences, and toxicology.
  • Early career scientist defined as a current doctoral student, medical student, or postdoctoral scientist or an early career practitioner defined as someone working in advocacy, government, research, or private sector for less than 5 years since their terminal degree (early career practitioner: terminal degree obtained in 2019 or later).
  • From marginalized backgrounds and/or populations underrepresented in science and academia. Examples of eligible individuals include but are not limited to: first-generation college graduates; individuals from lower socioeconomic backgrounds; individuals from communities of color; and individuals with disabilities.
  • Committed to advancing science communication and improving their writing skills.
  • Based at an institution (e.g., academic institute, non-profit) in the United States; however, applicants do not need to be US citizens (e.g., international students are eligible).


Please submit your application materials (including the personal essays and CV/ resume) through our online portal LINK by 11 PM EST on October 20th, 2023.

If you have any questions, reach out to The fellowship will begin in March 2024. You will be notified if you are a finalist by the end of November 2023. Finalist will be invited to an online interview in December 202


Do I have to have social media accounts to participate?

Having a social media presence is not a requirement to participate in the program.

What topics are covered in the workshops?

The topics covered throughout the workshops include but are not limited to: science communication and journalism, storyboarding, audio and visual editing, and engaging with policymakers.

Am I eligible to apply if I am faculty?

At the time, faculty defined as but not limited to: career track faculty, tenure-track faculty, non-tenure track faculty, teaching faculty, clinical track faculty are not eligible to participate in the program.

Is this opportunity only for those in academia?

No, the fellowship program is open to early career practitioner defined as someone working in advocacy, government, research, or private sector for less than 5 years since their terminal degree.

If I applied in a previous cycle and was not accepted, can I reapply?

Yes, absolutely, we encourage you to reapply.

When will decisions be made?

Finalist will be notified by the end of November 2023, and we anticipate final decisions will be made by January 2024.

Do I need letters of recommendations?

Letters of recommendation are not required as part of the application process, please do not forward or send any letters of recommendations to the program.

Am I considered a marginalized scientist?

We are not in the business of gatekeeping identity. The program welcomes all applicants who self-identify as coming from marginalized backgrounds and/or populations historically excluded from science and academia. Examples of eligible individuals include but are not limited to: first-generation college graduates; individuals from lower socioeconomic backgrounds; gender and sexual minorities; individuals from communities of color; and individuals with disabilities.

Can I get feedback from the program on my essays prior to the deadline?

At the time we are not able to provide feedback of essays from potential fellows. We encourage all applicants to reach out to their networks to receive feedback on their essays.

Am I eligible to apply if my current institution is not based within the U.S.?

At this time, we are not accepting applications from individuals affiliated with institutions outside of the United States. 

Are Master’s students eligible to apply?

At this time, we are not accepting applications from students enrolled in Master’s programs (e.g., MA, MS, MPH).

Are Law students eligible to apply?

Students enrolled only in a Law program (i.e., JD) are not eligible to apply, but we do accept applications from dual degree students (e.g., JD/PhD, JD/MD).

Are Pharmacy PhD or Nursing PhD students eligible to apply?

Yes, students enrolled in these scientific program are eligible to participate in the Agents of Change in Environmental Justice Program.


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