
Our fellows’ work and voices featured in both traditional and new media, academic journals and blogs, trade press, and more.


July 15, 2024
The Conversation
Few consumers are aware of the migrant and seasonal farmworkers who make Michigan’s agricultural economy possible.
July 5, 2024
Inside Climate News
Incarcerated people in southern states had the greatest exposure to extreme temperatures, yet do not have access to universal air conditioning, researchers found.
July 1, 2024
AZ Mirror
A Diné data-cruncher looks to solve his people’s uranium issues with public health training.
June 20, 2024
United Nations World Meteorological Organization (WMO)
Low-cost air quality sensor systems (LCS) are emerging technologies for policy-relevant air quality analysis, including pollution levels, source identification, and forecasting. This report discusses LCS use in networks and alongside other data sources for comprehensive air quality applications, complementing other WMO publications on LCS operating principles, calibration, performance assessment, and data communication.
June 13, 2024
Centre for Media, Technology and Democracy
Prisons and other carceral facilities are exposed to a variety of environmental hazards such as air pollution, poor water quality, proximity to hazardous waste facilities, and extreme weather events – a pattern referred to as toxic prisons.
May 29, 2024
The White House Briefing Room
President Biden announced his intent to appoint 12 additional members to the White House Environmental Justice Advisory Council (WHEJAC), which is a federal advisory committee that President Biden established under Executive Order 14008 of January 27, 2021, on Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad.

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Science Snippets: Lariah Edwards

Fellow Lariah Edwards discusses how racist beauty standards, harmful chemicals and communities of color intersect.

Built Environment and Housing, Environmental Stuff

Fellow Max Aung discusses the relationship between commonly used chemicals such as PFAS and phenols and melanoma, ovarian and uterine cancer.

Science Snippets: Lorraine Velez-Torres

Fellow Lorraine Velez-Torres discusses fungal spores in Puerto Rico.


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