Jose Ramon Becerra Vera on democratizing science

Jose Ramon Becerra Vera joins the Agents of Change in Environmental Justice podcast to discuss arming residents in his native Inland Empire region of California with air pollution data to advocate for their health and community.

Liliana Sierra Castillo on blue justice

Liliana Sierra Castillo joins the Agents of Change in Environmental Justice podcast to discuss the concept of blue justice and how the expansion of aquaculture impacts small-scale fishery communities.

“Dehumanizing” conditions for Michigan farmworkers

Dr. Lisbeth Iglesias-Ríos joins the Agents of Change in Environmental Justice podcast to discuss her recent research on the dehumanizing work conditions for migrant farmworkers in Michigan and what we can do to address these injustices.

Azmal Hossan on US, China climate collaboration

Azmal Hossan joins the Agents of Change in Environmental Justice podcast to discuss his recent selection for the 2030 Climate Champions fellowship, an initiative from The Asia Foundation aimed at bolstering U.S. and China collaboration on climate change.


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