Tag: Education and Research

January 11, 2021
Dana Williamson joins the Agents of Change in Environmental Justice podcast to discuss the crucial role of social science in examining the impact of environmental justice research and on-the-ground work.
December 20, 2020
Michelle Gin joined the podcast and talked about being a first-generation college graduate, what it’s like working with businesses while also holding them accountable, and strategies for communicating environmental risk to different populations.
December 7, 2020
Ans Irfan joined the Agents of Change in Environmental Justice podcast to talk about his path from Pakistan to public health—and how the field can and should place equity and justice at its core.
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November 9, 2020
EHN.org and The George Washington University Milken Institute School of Public Health bring you the voices of next generation environmental health leaders. In episode 1, Agents of Change in Environmental Justice editor Brian Bienkowski speaks with founder and program director Ami Zota.
May 13, 2020
Ahora más que nunca, a medida que los científicos desarrollan rápidamente terapias y vacunas contra el COVID-19, la inclusión de personas Negras y Morenas en la investigación es de vital importancia.


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