Theresa Guillette joins the Agents of Change in Environmental Justice podcast to discuss her research on alligators and fish as sentinel species for environmental health, and how PFAS are moving through our ecosystems.
Annie Hoang joins the Agents of Change in Environmental Justice podcast to discuss how the U.S. fails workers when it comes to toxic exposures, and how researchers can advocate for safer workplaces.
Dr. Lariah Edwards joins the Agents of Change in Environmental Justice podcast to discuss how inadequate and outdated chemical regulation is leaving us all exposed to harmful compounds in our makeup, food wrappers, and other products.
From discrimination and a lack of staff diversity to witnessing communities like yours harmed, environmental justice work is an emotional and physical struggle.
Todos tenemos un papel que desempeñar para eliminar de nuestras estanterías los productos poco saludables que tienen más probabilidades de acabar perjudicando a las familias con bajos ingresos.
Al conectar los puntos entre los síntomas médicos y los patrones de injusticia, pasamos de simplemente manejar el sufrimiento a ofrecer una cura duradera.
Dr. Max Aung and Dr. Tracey Woodruff join the Agents of Change in Environmental Justice podcast to discuss how and why they use their science to drive policy change on harmful environmental chemicals.