Aalayna R. Green is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Natural Resources & the Environment, with affiliations in the Department of Feminist, Gender & Sexuality Studies, at Cornell University. She obtained her B.S. in Zoology from Michigan State University. Green is a Sloan Scholar and a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow.
An emerging scholar in feminist political ecology and critical environmental justice, Green’s work interrogates the gendered and racialized dimensions of conservation with a focus on the illegal wildlife trade (IWT), green militarization, and conservation (in)justice. Green grounds her work in critical (anti/de)colonial and feminist epistemologies so as to promote gender-aware and socially-just conservation strategies. Her dissertation focuses on the gendered implications of conservation violence in and around Botswana’s Chobe National Park, along with the broader Kavango-Zambezi (KaZa) Transfrontier Conservation Area.