Brandon Rothrock, MA

Brandon Rothrock (he/him) is a queer, (dis)abled geographer hailing from New Jersey. He holds a B.S. in Geography from Penn State University and a M.A. in Geography from West Virginia University. He is a first-year Geography PhD student and EmPOWERment NSF Research Trainee at The Ohio State University studying human-environment interactions and sustainable energy systems. His dissertation research focuses on queer Appalachian livelihoods and resistance to petrochemical build-out and other environmentally polluting industries in the Ohio River Valley. Through his work, he hopes to further understandings of queer identity in relation to the environment and climate change. Outside of academia, Brandon is a Board Member of OUT for Sustainability (OUT4S), a queer-led organization aimed at cultivating environmental justice and climate resilience by and for the LGBTQIA+ community. In his free time, he is an avid concertgoer and provides mentoring services to LGBTQIA+, disabled, and other marginalized individuals interested in environmental careers through his website, The Inclusive Environment.





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