Carolyn Ramírez on forest protection

Carolyn Ramírez joins the Agents of Change in Environmental Justice podcast to discuss the importance of old growth trees and the environmental justice implications of forest management.

Meet María and a COP27 recap

In our year-in-review show we speak with assistant editor María Paula Rubiano A. about her path to environmental reporting, and fellows Alexa White and Dr. Robbie Parks recap their experience at COP27 in Egypt.

Valerisa Joe-Gaddy on tribal water justice

Dr. Valerisa Joe-Gaddy joins the Agents of Change in Environmental Justice podcast to discuss the importance of including Indigenous people in water management decisions.

The dangers of skin lightening products

Senior Agents of Change fellow Michelle Gin speaks with Michael Xiong of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency about the dangers of skin lightening products that contain mercury.

Annie Belcourt on Indigenous health and healing

Dr. Annie Belcourt joins the Agents of Change in Environmental Justice podcast to discuss using psychology to address the unique mental health challenges and issues in U.S. Indigenous communities.


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