Abrania Marrero on dietary colonialism in Puerto Rico

Abrania Marrero joins the Agents of Change in Environmental Justice podcast to discuss the increasing push for food security and sovereignty in Puerto Rico, and how the island’s relationship with the U.S. mainland has impacted its residents’ health.

Veena Singla on turning science into policy

Dr. Veena Singla joins the Agents of Change in Environmental Justice podcast to discuss the often-arduous path of turning science into policy, and finding confidence and a voice as a scientist.

Krystal Vasquez’s push for disability inclusion in STEM

Krystal Vasquez joins the Agents of Change in Environmental Justice podcast to discuss her work as a chemist teasing out the big impacts from tiny compounds, and the often-neglected intersection of pollution and people with disabilities.

Ami Zota on how the Agents of Change program came to be

EHN.org and The George Washington University Milken Institute School of Public Health bring you the voices of next generation environmental health leaders. In episode 1, Agents of Change in Environmental Justice editor Brian Bienkowski speaks with founder and program director Ami Zota.


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