Tag: Climate Impacts and Natural Disasters

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November 9, 2021
La preparación y la reconstrucción tras los desastres naturales no debe ser un planteamiento único.
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November 9, 2021
El cambio climático y el desbalanceado poder político regional están provocando una presente crisis del agua en Bangladesh.
November 9, 2021
Al conectar los puntos entre los síntomas médicos y los patrones de injusticia, pasamos de simplemente manejar el sufrimiento a ofrecer una cura duradera.
November 9, 2021
Tengo el privilegio de estudiar los incendios forestales, pero a menudo no tengo el privilegio de escapar de ellos cuando más importa.
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November 4, 2021
As world leaders gather at COP26, we need acknowledge the historical root causes of the climate crisis.
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October 13, 2021
Preparing for and building back after natural disasters should not be a one-size-fits all approach.
September 22, 2021
Azmal Hossan joins the Agents of Change in Environmental Justice podcast to discuss climate change and the ongoing water crisis in Bangladesh.
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September 20, 2021
Working with youth writers on a climate-fiction screenplay has opened my eyes to the power of the arts in confronting environmental crises.
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September 15, 2021
Climate change and unbalanced regional political power are driving an ongoing water crisis in Bangladesh.
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August 25, 2021
Deniss Martinez joins the Agents of Change in Environmental Justice podcast to discuss the importance of incorporating Indigenous knowledge into wildfire management.
June 16, 2021
Dr. Regan Patterson joins the Agents of Change in Environmental Justice podcast to discuss her research and advocacy for transportation reparations and justice.


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