This isn’t your average science writing. Fellows share their personal struggles and their professional achievements to illustrate where we’ve made progress—and where we must continue to advance environmental justice and equity.
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Prisons, jails and detention centers are placed in locations where environmental hazards such as toxic landfills, floods and extreme heat are the norm.
For the Blue Economy to succeed, its policies must respect and incorporate the traditions and values of the communities it aims to benefit.
The tale of “jobs versus the environment” does not capture the full story.
Policing perpetuates a history of exclusion of Black and Brown people from the outdoors.
Groups are choosing to repair broken lines of communication and visualize the transition for its true potential to mitigate climate change – the common enemy.
How the Mother Clyde Urban farm transformed the West End of Atlanta’s food deserts, and serves as a model for community empowerment.
For communities plagued by energy extraction and petrochemical buildout, struggles of environmental justice often fall on deaf ears.
For too long, data collection, knowledge production and scientific authority have been controlled by people outside of environmental justice communities. I want to change that.
Every time I see an elephant in the park, I wonder, how many of us had to die for that elephant?